6 definitions by Euuu

A boy called Barney who sniffs his sisters underpants and likes spying on her sister he also doesn’t deny anything his epic gamer friends say he also likes watching her get changed with the camera he has hidden in her room xD lol
Mr Skyzrr a noncy Pantie sniffer
by Euuu September 12, 2020
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A epic gamer who says knee gear and has a friend called barney who likes children and a epic gamer best friend Dig
There once was a peach that got ran over EngulfedWater55
by Euuu December 31, 2020
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There once was a Turbopikka he destroyed some coochie
by Euuu September 16, 2020
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An epic gamer who bangs barneys sister continuously and has a noncy friend called Barney who smells his sisters underpants thedemonNoob also has a great partner in action who also makes dirty jokes about barneys sister
ThedemonNoob banged barneys sister so hard she slipped on a grape and ate an Asian kids left taco
by Euuu September 9, 2020
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An epic gamer who bangs barneys sister continuously and has a noncy friend called Barney who smells his sisters underpants thedemonNoob also has a great partner in action who also makes dirty jokes about barneys sister
ThedemonNoob banged barneys sister so hard she slipped on a grape and ate an Asian kids left taco
by Euuu September 9, 2020
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SUS, AMOGUS, NAE NIBBA NAE. Also an epic gamer who has a EPIC Gamer best friend Water. they both play mark artio 8, trying to defeat the all mighty ludwig
they defeated ludwig because hes bad, Digplayz8
by Euuu June 1, 2021
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