2 definitions by Erikkakimmm

Elissa is someone who definitely has lots of sex because she gets lots of bitches. She also has really cool roommates- like insanely sexy, hot, talented, smart, attractive roommates. She’s also known to have very beautiful doll like features. (Also is pretty good at pong)
“Elissa Parkinson has a beautiful figure

“Damn, that Elissa Parkinson probably has a lot of sex cuz she’s so hot. I need me an Elissa Parkinson in my life

“Wow, Elissa Parkinson plays hay day a lot.”
by Erikkakimmm March 15, 2022
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People often say Abigail grace w/ the pretty lookin face. She also has massive mommy milkers. Sometimes ppl say Murrell instead of Murrell even though it’s obviously pronounced Murrell. (Also likes pasta)
“Damn that Abby Murrell has some MASSIVE bitties, I needa hit that
by Erikkakimmm December 31, 2022
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