3 definitions by EraseAllPicturesOfRon

Adjective/Noun; Derogatory

A self-described skeptic whose mind is all made-up. Most-commonly seen in woo medicine & conspiracy theory communities. Frequently, graduates of Google University and victims of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

Common quotes include:
"You'll never convince me..."

"Experts don't know."
"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
"How do we know evidence is evidence?"
Bill, ever the skeptish, refused to even read Mary's rebuttal before launching into another diatribe.
by EraseAllPicturesOfRon August 29, 2018
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Noun (pejorative): Someone who engages in Conservative correctness.

Counterpart to Social Justice Warrior, or "SJW." Just as likely to overreact to jokes/harass online/boycott as their more-Liberal counterparts. Examples include "#CancelColbert," the Kuerig boycott, & sending death threats to comedian Michelle Wolf.

The word "Antisocial" in this context not only describes their opposition to Social Justice Warriors, it also describes general malevolence and a refusal to adapt socially.
"Sean, ever the Antisocial Justice Warrior, set his Nikes on fire 'to own the libs.' "
by EraseAllPicturesOfRon November 2, 2018
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(Semi-Profane Utterance)

In place of "um" or "like," a placeholder word used in casual conversation to catch up on thoughts.

Originates from the word "fucking," still considered profane even though it's rarely intended to offend.
"I was driving to work the other day and, vuggin, some jerk cuts me off!
by EraseAllPicturesOfRon September 19, 2019
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