31 definitions by Eppypotamus

a portmanteau formed from ignorant, ignoramus and anus

def: a low-IQ person who is both an ignoramus and a pompous {narcissistic} asshole; see Donald Trump

syn: assclown
example pf usage: "Donald Trump is the King of the Ignoranuses!"
by Eppypotamus June 18, 2019
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a wannabe "investor" so stupid he's still buying stock in a fictitious goldmine more than 10-years after the scam was revealed
Typical NAKtard statement: I am very smart ... in fact, a "very stable genius"... I will never sell a single share of my long-held bag of worthless mining stock, even though I could get a dime-on-the-dollar today!
by Eppypotamus August 15, 2019
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A portmanteau comprised from the expressions Captain Obvious} and King of the Assclowns, aka Donald Trump. It is a clever play-on-words and ideas because it demotes Trump from his real-world title of President and Commander-in-Chief, and his wannabe title of King of the World, to the rank of a mere captain, and that being inferred as more-stupid than the low-IQ Captain Obvious.
The Trump administration is an assclown circus ass-circus and Trump is Captain Assclown.
by Eppypotamus June 8, 2019
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portmanteau formed from cuckold + retard

(1) a man who invites a friend over to fuck his wife but ends-up with a sore butthole himself; (2) anyone who believes Donald J. Trump's lies; (3) a "very stable genius" aka moron

syn: Trumpanzee, Trumptard, NAKtard, fucktard
Nine-out-of-ten psychiatrists agree ... most people who attend Trump rallies are cucktards!
by Eppypotamus January 14, 2020
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an irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized {hannitized magatized} to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.
Like turds in a public Porta-Potty, Trumpanzees agglomerate in large putrid piles at Trump rallies.
by Eppypotamus June 19, 2019
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portmanteau formed from trump + petard (in the sense of Shakespeare's "hoist with his own petard')

def: a linguistic "reveal" of pathological liars (like Trump), wherein a statement is "exploded" (revealed to be completely devoid of veracity) by an immediately following conflicting/contradictory statement.
example of usage: "In every public speech, the president careers from one trumpetard to the next!"
by Eppypotamus March 30, 2020
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portmanteau formed from Trump + orgasm

def: (1) the thrill a trumptard experiences whenever he thinks everyone has believed one of his obvious lies
Trump is a pathological liar and has a trumpgasm every few minutes!
by Eppypotamus August 14, 2019
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