1 definition by Emlizabeths

The hottest fucking human being ever to live, but also possibly the sweetest. It’s almost as if he has two settings, really. He’s the sweetest, shyest, kindest person when you sit him down to talk, but on the red carpet, one word: damn. I want to be his best friend. He seems like a genuinely nice person to be around, I’d buy him all the bagels. His music taste is immaculate, he is immaculate. He is such a talented actor, with so much potential and so much success in everything he does. Truly God’s masterpiece. Timmy, if you’re reading this, my IG is @emlizabeths :)
Em: I love Timothée Chalamet and not just for that one video of him dancing in slo-mo

Also Em: hell yeah, he’s possibly the most talented actor of our time!
by Emlizabeths May 6, 2020
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