4 definitions by Emery.0

A term used by members of the younger generation to describe someone as in-touch or trendy.

Also can be used by an older person to describe themselves, though usually incorrectly.
My teacher tries to be hip with the kiddos, but nobody ever gets his 80s romcom references.
by Emery.0 October 2, 2018
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I can't get up, there's a dog on me.
by Emery.0 August 20, 2022
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What happens when you're sitting around doing nothing and you end up suddenly flailing, often causing mass damage.

To cause something unexpected (especially negative) to occur physically without even realizing it, usually because of how quickly everything happens.
Jenny was holding her phone in her left hand, but she quirtibated when I shook her right hand and now she has to get her screen fixed.
by Emery.0 September 18, 2018
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(v.) using up the dregs of your weed stash

i.e. smoking old, saved ash; burning through the cotton of an empty cart
My plug is out of town for another week, looks like it's time to start gunk-fucking.
by Emery.0 April 18, 2022
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