2 definitions by Elvis-The King

A truly presidential, inspirational, intelligent,prudent, wise,experienced, and upstanding individual---John Kerry 2008
"I know something about aircraft carriers for real."
John F. Kerry

"I will never conduct a war or start a war because we want to; the United States of America should only go to war because we have to. And if you live by that guidance, you'll never have veterans throwing away their medals or standing up in protest.
John F. Kerry "

"No one is going to question my commitment to the defence of our nation. I don't know what it is these Republicans, who didn't serve in any war, have against those of us who are Democrats who did.
John F. Kerry "

"President Clinton was often known as the first black president. I wouldn't be upset if I could earn the right to be the second.
John F. Kerry "

"America now stands as the world's foremost power. We should be proud: Not since the age of the Romans have one people achieved such preeminence. But we are not Romans; we do not seek an empire.
John F. Kerry "

"I believe America's best days are ahead of us because I believe that the future belongs to freedom, not to fear.
John F. Kerry "
by Elvis-The King May 17, 2005
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