1 definition by EllyATwo

This is a Korean name.
Taekyun is a very handsome boi who is probs a cat person but enjoys spending time with any housepet.
When first meeting Taekyun, he might seem calm and rational, but he will go out of his way to impress someone. Maybe even a girl his age.
He will not look forward to a relationship with a Noona (older girl) since he most likely has an older sister.
Taekyun is the type of person who doesn't change. Looks? Of course! Personality? Don't think so, honey.
Has a lot of older guy friends and thinks of them as his role models, which also means he gets influenced by crowds.
Girl1: Look at that Korean boy over there!
Girl2: He looks like a Taekyun to me!
Girl1: Why?
Girl2: He's trying waaaay too hard to impress that girl over there, and look, his Hyungs seem way older. He's so a Taekyun!
by EllyATwo July 30, 2017
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