2 definitions by Elaine Heveron

girlphone, noun girlfriend A girlphone is a female friend of a female with whom one enjoys gabbing on the telephone at length, a person one gossips or gabs with on the telephone or cell phone, female or gossipy male.

Girlphone, call me back; I have some gossip for you!
by Elaine Heveron May 9, 2008
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Girlphone, Noun talkative girlfriend, gal pal, one who gets excited about gossip and relationship news, confidante, one to whom you can tell anything
I saw him with her at a flick, and, girlphone, it was not a platonic date, you know what I'm saying?

I saw him with a chick, girlphone, and let's just say, it wasn't his sister.
by Elaine Heveron May 12, 2008
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