3 definitions by Eeveeboom

A day that is on December 10th where anything that happens will be the opposite of what happens
"Hey did you know discord mod day is coming up"
"Do you mean Opposite Day?"
"Oh shit."
by Eeveeboom December 9, 2020
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A day on December 10th where the opposite is to be expected
"Hey did you hear that Discord Moderator Day is coming up" Said Person 1
"Do you mean Opposite Day?" Said Person 2
by Eeveeboom December 8, 2020
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A British Redneck variaton of the word "Stupid", Usually paired up with the word "Innit"; People who say this word are 100% British and deserve legal documentation to simp the queen
People who also say this word are likely either
-road raging
- got no head
- Playing cuphead
- Have anger issues
Person 2: "Person 1, Please stop, your scaring my family."
by Eeveeboom December 11, 2020
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