3 definitions by Edward Satterfield

The act of using the Google search engine to find information on the internet.
Ksenija was google'ling for 'ed' or 'edward' for news about him without having to get in touch with him.
by Edward Satterfield January 5, 2006
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(Football Attention Deficit) Someone who, at the end of the Football season, finds it difficult to occupy his or her time on Sundays.
Steve has been dragging the past few weekends, he's so lackadaisical.

Actually he is suffering from FAD or Football Attention Deficit
by Edward Satterfield February 15, 2009
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1. a.The action of compulsively continuing to text large amounts of information by use of various technologies.
b. texting non stop, no finger relaxation.
1. Ksenija is a textative person due to lack of a telephone.
by Edward Satterfield December 30, 2005
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