29 definitions by Edge

The nether regions of a womans genital region.
".........her waa was massive"

"i had my hand up her waa"

"i went waa licking"
by Edge August 8, 2003
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A term used in the US Northeast to define dirty, smelly European sex.
It smells like smex in here; That's the kind of smex you can only see on the Internet!
by Edge January 22, 2005
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A female who does think that defies any logic. Can also be complete stupidity.
"That girl is such a GUIRK"

"Stop acting like a GUIRK"
by Edge August 22, 2003
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To describe one bad mood or poor hummor.
Scorpy McScorp.....to be in the worst mood ever!
"im well scorpy"
"Dude are u scorpy??"
"well look whos Scorpy McScorp!"
by Edge August 8, 2003
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Oh no, it takes less time for me too shoot the goose now than it did 5 years ago. Is that a common problem?
by Edge January 2, 2004
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A ninja with a sniper rifle who can shoot and kick your ass from 400 yards away.
Beware of the sninjas!
by Edge November 21, 2004
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Girl of lacking attraction.........an ugly woman!
"yo dude the girl is toe up!"
by Edge August 8, 2003
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