1 definition by EatBonana

André Piolat is a French school in North Vancouver with no money because their dumbs principle decided to spend it all on bikes. Yes. God damn road Bikes. It used to be a good school to attend a while ago but since no teachers liked the school and all left, the school is now stuck with teachers who barely even speak English or French.

They are trying to build up their high school but there are only 20 kids in it, its so bad that everyone decides to leave after 7th grade. They also waster their money on "pizza parties" where they manage to get 500 pizza from Boston Pizza. Now my question is, how many children did you use for labour to get that many pizza's.

My point is, don't go to that school
Old friends meeting later in life:

person 1: Remember that shitty school André Piolat

person 2: Oh yeah, I never want to get within a mile of that place again
by EatBonana April 19, 2022
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