2 definitions by EESHA4U

An old lady who lives with a bajillion cats and gives them names like, "Mr. Fuzzypants", and, "Pom-pom". She hates to be around actual people, and considers herself a cat.

Her Hobbies Include:
- having tea parties with her cats
- throwing fake proms for her cats
- throwing birthday parties (that no one come to) for her cats
- eating cat food
- decorating cat food

- making a restaurant for all the cats in the neighborhood
- babysitting children and cramming useless knowledge about Mr. Fuzzypants into their heads
- giving parenting lessons to cat-mothers-to-be
The reason I know so much about them is because I plan to be a cat lady when I grow up.
by EESHA4U December 11, 2017
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A male children that cannot be trusted and like to say sexist things about girls.
by EESHA4U January 9, 2018
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