56 definitions by E hates Q

Different types of suburbia:

Northeast Suburb: A standard suburb, filled with endless single family houses, affluent moderate liberals and their children. You can find a lot of these in New Jersey and Long Island.

Midwest Suburb: Where the Republican Party and Walmart are cornerstones of the community. You WILL get funny looks if you drive through here as a black person.

Gated Community: Paranoid and rich nutcases, mostly. Also most of the town is just golf courses.

Sun Belt Suburb: Filled with retirees who contribute absolutely nothing to the downtown economy besides their taxes.

Streetcar Suburb: Suburbs that have townhomes and the occasional apartment building. They tend to be affluent and liberal, like the Northeast Suburb but more diverse. You can actually walk to the store or catch the bus here.

Exurbs: Generally isolated culs-de-sac off a rural road/highway. God help the kids that grow up here. The home turf of McMansions.
Bob: Growing up in suburbia as an only child was hell…
David: I grew up in the suburbs and it was fine…
Bob: I didn’t mean “the northernmost parts of the Bronx” I meant Pond Heights in the middle of buttfuck Egypt.
by E hates Q May 16, 2022
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Neglecting to zip up your trousers.

Will get you weird looks, and an arrest if you’re going commando.
Waiter: Ahem, it appears you, Mr. Yellow, are currently flying without a licence..
Mr Yellow: Oh shit! (zips up)
by E hates Q January 18, 2022
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The name of a fictional male child when describing a scenario, not dissimilarly used to the names Alice and Bob.
Alice: So, when dolphins give birth, they come out swimming, and the first thing the mother does is teach the child how to breathe.
Bob: So it’s like “Welcome to the world, Little Timmy! Breathing lesson time!”
by E hates Q August 13, 2022
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A game played on Minecraft and ROBLOX where the goal is to dig holes for scrubs to fall in and be eliminated. Very popular during the mid-2010s, and somehow the most fun thing that is humanly possible.
"Gamer: Spleef is really freaking fun!"
by E hates Q September 29, 2018
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A turd you find staring at you on the floor of a public restroom. It's usually best to try and find a different restroom after seeing a floor turd, as the floor shitter responsible was likely trying to warn you that the restroom is very disgusting. Ironically, they only add to the problem.
Bob: So I went to use the toilet at the local Pizza Hut, and there it was. A floor turd smiling at me. That was what made me end up using the toilet in the Burger King across the street.
by E hates Q September 12, 2021
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A joke repeated by conservatives who think they're funny.

Originated on 2014 4chan (where else) and has many variants, including Piers Morgan's ridiculously unfunny penguin joke.
Olive: I identify as Neutrois.

Brad: hurr durr attack helicopter
by E hates Q May 5, 2020
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Displaying utter disinterest in what somebody is texting you.
Mom: Hey, Gran got a new computer today! 😃
Child of Mom: 🅾
Mom: 😡
by E hates Q October 14, 2018
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