4 definitions by Dwayne the 👻 Johnson

A group of people texting but in reality it's just someone miss pronouncing

the word tentacles XDDD
"That boss has alot of text tex tex.. Textical"
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The word Nirveen is the definition of a Queen Queen and also means Slay
1."Nirveen that 7aywan"
2."you Nirveened it"
3."keep on Nirveenning"
by Dwayne the 👻 Johnson October 15, 2019
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Nirveen: a gorgeous Queen with a heart of gold and an out of this world personality with a Pretty diamond looking like eyes but she lowkey blind tho and because of that she can't see her values and tends to make a BAD BAD decisions BUT u don't wanna get in her Bad side she gonna unleash hell upon you. She the REALEST
1.Eeeew that phone is Hideous a Nirveen must have chose it
2.Oh my God that girl is about to get that Nirveen type of shadeeeeees RIP
by Dwayne the 👻 Johnson October 17, 2019
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Nirveen: a Queen who is lowkey blind because of that she tends to make bad decisions and she's really friendly and has a fury of a Demon Ps. don't get on her Bad side.
1.Eeeew that phone is Hideous a Nirveen must have chose it
2.Oh my God that girl is about to get that Nirveen type of shadeeeeees RIP
by Dwayne the 👻 Johnson October 17, 2019
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