2 definitions by Drofnas Trebor

Having inroduced 'FOBYAC' into to Urban Dictionary and wishing to retain somewhat of a theme, I now provide you with a second wonderful acronym, 'MFPOS'.

If, (when), used in open forum, calling someone a 'Mother Fucking Piece Of Shit' may provoke undue tension amongst those present, not least in the person towards whom 'MFPOS' has been directed, but again and with a degree of delight, once can openly verbally abuse a fellow human being, (perhaps one who is a complete tosser, whilst hiding securely behind the complete and total anonimity of these few choise letters........MFPOS!
Introduced subtly into every-day conversation, one may employ MFPOS in the following manner:

Covertly: "Excuse me, Sir, you're a MFPOS"
Enraged: "Oy, shithead, you're a MFPOS!!"
Questioning: "Tell me, are you a MFPOS?"
by Drofnas Trebor May 19, 2007
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As one of the world's lesser known, yet great acronyms, this is a one-word abbreviation for the more lengthy instruction, 'Fuck Off Bastard, You're A Cunt'. However, acronyms have been entered into the Oxford-English dictionary dating back as far as William Shakespeare and therefore. it is accepted that as one word, FOBYAC may still be accepted.

See links to fuck, bastard and cunt.
When establishing that one is in the presence of a person who is somewhat, (grossly), disliked, they may be invited to "FOBYAC". In this manner, the word may be used in the clear satisfaction of knowing that as few will understand it's true meaning, no street fight wil ensue. Indeed, walking up to an officer of the law, a copper, police officer, or even an immigration official, (see wanker), one can use the word and be faced merely with a confused look. In this respect, as opposed to better known and wider understood and employed expletives, complete safety for one's person will ensue.
by Drofnas Trebor April 13, 2007
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