7 definitions by Drew Rosenhaus

To take something with Jewish conviction.
I'm going to korb some pens from my work's office supplies; I'm all out.

What the hell is an Ambush Paddington? Oh, it involves a teddy bear... it's pretty funny; I korbed it off of Urban Dictionary.

Some hippo korbed up all the left overs!
by Drew Rosenhaus September 17, 2008
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a buster-ass chick. Sighting a slag is never pleasant and destroys any good vibes. Slags are generally cock-hungry and persistent.
damnit! How does Lisa find us wherever we go? She's such a slag! I feel like I'm going to throw up when she's around. Well... at least Jonny'll FUUUUCK 'ER!
by Drew Rosenhaus August 10, 2007
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a buster-ass chick. Sighting a slag is never pleasant and ruins any good vibes while around. Slags are generally cock-hungry and very persistent.
damnit! How does Lisa find us wherever we go? She's such a slag! I feel like I'm going to throw up when she's around. Well... at least Jonny'll FUUUUCK 'ER!
by Drew Rosenhaus August 10, 2007
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A rating system used to rate women on their masturbatory appeal.

Similar to the traditional binary rating system (would you have sex with her or not), this rating system is to divide girls into two well defined groups based predominately on looks. Generally if a girl passes the tug test, she’ll be a “1” on the binary scale. The tug test’s primary function is to further separate the upper echelon of attractive girls from the general populace.

Would you tug to her?... It’s a fair question.
Tug Test! What do you think of Marsha Brady?
Oh! She’s a “1”; I’d tug to her for sure!
What about Jan?
Ugh… I wouldn’t tug to her, but I’d probably do her.
by Drew Rosenhaus March 12, 2009
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The wienersaurus is a creature from the Paleolithic era that stalks the earth in search of penis. This carnivore lurks in the grey area of the binary system (falling nine times out of ten into the zero catagory) and exploits drunken men. Quick to pounce, this cock-hungry creature is anything but shy and will stop at nothing to get what she wants; penis.
To this day, it is believed that a wienersaurus hunts by detecting the motion of fleeing victems. To evade a wienersaurus, remain motionless and mute, and sneak away at the most opportune moment.
Dude, why'd you bring Lisa? She grabbed my junk on the dance floor, tried to kiss me while she was talking to me, and keeps trying to mount me whenever I sit down. She's such a wienersaurus!
Well, I figured Jonny'd FUUUUCK 'ER!

*whisper* Shhhh! Quiet; don't move! WIENERSAURUS! Maybe it won't see us and it'll go away!
by Drew Rosenhaus September 17, 2008
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a very smug, self-righteous way to avoid response or giving the time-of-day when asked a question
"What have you done for T.O., besides get him kicked off the Eagles?"
*T.O. smirks*
"Next Question!"

How many people have you slept with?
Next Question!

This thong isn't mine; whose is it?!
Next Question!

Hi! How's it going?
Next Question!
by Drew Rosenhaus September 17, 2008
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A measure taken to avoid the reversal of chronological personal hygiene steps, primarily practiced by the French.

(The act of shitting in the shower and using one's foot to stomp it down the drain.)

In the absence of a bidet, a person must carefully order one's shitting and showering - primarily in the morning. Post fecal evacuation, the shower serves as the necessary rinsing function to remove dingle berries and other such residue. Should the evacuation procedure fall short of success and said status be identified during the showering phase of hygiene prep, one may choose to abort the phase and reclaim the porcelain thrown - thus repeating phase one (technically phase two).

In loo of reinitiating a previous step, one may opt for the innovative practice of defecating erectly over the drain, using a foot to drive the waste throw the initial catch intended for hairs.
Dan neglects his morning coffee and finds mid-shower that a stroke of constipation prevented him from completing his morning dump. To avoid splashing water everywhere and making a general mess of the bathroom, he utilizes the French Stomper. Shit gone, ass clean, and crisis averted, he proceeds to go about his day - head held high.
by Drew Rosenhaus May 3, 2018
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