4 definitions by DrengerøvMaster750

Gynni is a verb. Gynni is when you ate too much so when you go to bed you wake up after 20 minutes cause you need to shit.
Last night i gynnied. It was quite... nice!
by DrengerøvMaster750 September 4, 2019
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Admael is the type of person who often shit themeselves in public transport.
He's such an Admael.
Euw, that guy is the worst Admael. I gotta get of the subway ASAP.
by DrengerøvMaster750 September 4, 2019
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trykkie is the type of person who always does something stupid like pouring water in their computer or kicks on the spasserklasses door just to get attention.
That guy from the other class is such a trykkie.
by DrengerøvMaster750 September 4, 2019
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When someone is being salty because their name is "diamandhakken"
Damn, he's so juk right now.
by DrengerøvMaster750 September 4, 2019
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