3 definitions by Draicore

faggadime is where seemingly random strangers comment within earshot or as they pass a person in public about one's self's sexuality or anything to "sketch them out" yet themselves have never spoken honestly to that person to actually have any credibility or use of logical function "to be cool or something" and help bad and stupid stricken chaos systems of organizational behavior to destroy essentially the person's reputation and ability to function in society without becoming that thing they describe falsely and "fraud" or "Slander" them to new levels of reality of fact . A paradigm for hetero bashing
that guy has so many faggadimes he's probably going to be a suicide case if they find him after he murders some beautiful happy couple laughing at him.
by Draicore September 18, 2019
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can refer to a bag of dicks (severed human penis)
or a scrotum or a bag of something repulsive such as a body bag or cum filled used condom.

eat a bag : basically dead things that are decomposing (rotting) like the term "FUCK OFF" to have sex with death or "off" things.
by Draicore September 17, 2019
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An often yet not always "thank GOD" closet case homo or bi sexual male that does not act queer or feminine but in private or out of public viewing has an almost 2nd personality entirely feminine at times. Like a "queen".
"Holy shit that guy is not straight and has a wife and kids and brags about women he sleeps with and prances them around with him but hes such a Fagoff it is upsetting he doesn't come out of the closet and stop hurting people and himself..."
by Draicore September 18, 2019
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