1 definition by Dragonic

1. A mage party member first encountered in Dragon Age: Origins-Awakening, he has the best heals in the game. He is like Alistair but not as annoying nor templarish. He likes to randomly flirt with you're female party members, but you can't romance him. His best-friend is some random kitten that you find named Ser-Pounce-Alot. Once you give it to him he will stop behaving like a grown-man and become highly annoying.

2. In Dragon Age 2 Bioware decided to bring Anders back, but unfortunately as an apostate mage who's been possesed by a demon and is a total wack job. SPOILER: He reveals (only while playing as male Hawke) that he likes men. By end-game you will hate him because...well I can't reveal that
1. Girl DA fan: OMG I luv Anders!! Its so cute how he names his kitten Ser Pounce Alot!
Guy DA fan: thats kinda gay

2. Girl DA fan: OMG I luv how my fem Hawke can romance Anders now!
Guy DA fan: You know he's gay right?
Girl DA fan: WHAT?!?!
by Dragonic May 2, 2011
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