4 definitions by Dragon of Spry Wisdom

The No.1 Gru Cosplayer is the online nickname of Marco Buzzari. He is also the president of the name brand fashion company Gucci, which is a popular brand among millennials and some centennials, as it is a status symbol of wealth.

The nickname originated when a video surfaced online of when Marco visited Parson's School of Design, and what seems to be after a seminar of some sort, Mr. Buzzari is standing and taking pictures with the students, and one student proclaims,

"You look like Gru!"
He seems to be confused, and does not understand in the end.
Friend: Hey, I heard you finally met The No.1 Gru Cosplayer! How was it?
OP: It was awesome!
by Dragon of Spry Wisdom February 20, 2019
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Dweeb Speak is described as the mannerisms in the speech patterns of those who do not conform to society in modern day culture, that is considered quirky or uncool.
One who uses dweeb speak is worthy of respect, for they are nonconformist, as well as the fact that they are not ashamed of any quirks they themselves may possess, and are generally accepting of the quirks of other people.
Dweeb: Why hello there friend, like zonks dude, looks like some two slash one is getting his hunko donk mode on!
Local Chad: Yeah dude, I've been working out lately.
Dweeb: Well, my mom told me to zippity zoopity home over yonder, hunk on dude!
Bystander: Ugh, such Dweeb Speak does disgust me to my very core. We must away Archibald.
by Dragon of Spry Wisdom February 20, 2019
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One who dates multiple women without getting caught by any of them through cunning and extensively professional technique.
Person 1: You see how he's dating all three of them?
Person 2: Ugh, he's such a juggler.
by Dragon of Spry Wisdom February 20, 2019
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"The European" is a move, most commonly used by women, where they look a person from head to toe, and back. It is a move that would be used by the likes of Regina George.
Did you see how she gave me the European? What a snobby little brat.
by Dragon of Spry Wisdom February 24, 2019
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