2 definitions by Dr_Rhodez

Fap crap and nap comprises the three most important facets to a daily regimen. Masturbation, defecation and siesta. It should be performed in that order for maximum efficacy. It is often utilised by university students as a means to maximise brainpower where required.
Student 1: Mate class sucks today, I don't know how much longer I can endure it.
Student 2: Yeah bro might be time to ditch and hit that FCN.
Student 1: Yeah a fap crap and nap will definitely perk me up.

Both students receive high distinctions despite missing 2/3 of class for the semester.
by Dr_Rhodez November 25, 2016
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a descriptive term for an excessively large female clitorus
Man 1: how did you go last night mate, any luck with the ladies?
Man 2: Bro, I picked up this 9 and kicked her out, she had the biggest clit I've ever seen!
Man 1: ohhhhh, the old possum tongue.
by Dr_Rhodez November 23, 2016
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