2 definitions by Dr. Zingy

A person who is slow moving and acts like a real downer. Someone who is negative, unhappy and just plain unpleasant to be around.

Dooping, used as a verb

Antonym: zingy zingy
Don't be such a doopie doopie!
Dave, why you dooping?

Lyndsey, did you doop your pants?
by Dr. Zingy November 10, 2018
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noun. Someone who is energetic, positive, and truly enjoyable to be around. A "sees the glass half-full" kind of person.

Antonym: doopie doopie
I love spending time with a zingy zingy.

You're so much fun when you're zinging!

My co-workers aren't the worst; they're zingers!
by Dr. Zingy November 10, 2018
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