2 definitions by Dr. Urban V. Dicktionary

The act of predicting the apocalypse will come exponentially recently.

After an apocalypse day (2000, 2012, ect) believing that the next apocalypse must happen soon because for some reason it didn't happen on the day everyone thought it would.
Example of an Exponential Apocalypse:

1999: DUDE! the worlds gonna end in 2000! all the equipment will fail and the nukes will launch and the planes will fall out of the sky!!!
2001: oh... well, DUDE! the worlds gonna end in 2012! The mayans said so.
2013: oh... well, DUDE! the worlds gonna end in 2016! Its the day of armegedan
2017: AHHH! now the worlds gonna end this month!
Feb: AHHH now its gonna end tomorrow...
...and so on and so forth
by Dr. Urban V. Dicktionary February 9, 2010
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The headache following playing a video game for a long amount of time. This originates from the game Assassin's Creed II in which the main character is put into a machine called the Animus which allows him to relive the memories of ancestors and towards the end of the game, experiences some side effects such as headaches and hallucinations.
Guy 1: Hey wanna go to a party tonight
Guy 2: Sorry dude, i just spent 8 hours straight playing MW2 and have the worst animus headache.
by Dr. Urban V. Dicktionary January 30, 2010
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