1 definition by Dr. Edouardo Cornelius Choad

A rare hereditary congenital defect of the male genitalia, the Scapula is a robust growth of segmented cartilage protruding from the groin to form a sheath around the penis. While commonly referred to as the "chode abode", this is a misnomer as the penis, which extends and retracts into the sheath, is often long and narrow, usually between .55 and .63 centimeters in width and on average 15 centimeters in length. Due to the excessive growth of nerve clusters in the interior lining of the scapula, both erection and retraction of the penis is sudden and painful. When questioned about their scapulae, most subjects noted that they experienced the most discomfort when the penis emerged from the chamber, with one in particular stating "every time i get an erection or even half chubbed, it's like my penis is pushing it's way through gravel." and another comparing their experience to "masturbating with sandpaper"
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