1 definition by Dr. Agon/mcniv

A lad is a male who specialises in creating and distributing exquisite banter. Though most lads are youngish (late teens and early twenties) age is not a defining characteristic and you will find both young lads and old lads. Some special skills of lads include, but are not limited to the following:

- Binning Pints
- Exposing genitalia and getting naked in public places
- Throwing up after copious alcohol consumption
- Spousal Abuse
- Getting kicked out of pubs/nightclubs for being overly offensive

Excelling in all areas will earn a lad the title of "top lad". There is no higher praise that can be bequeathed upon an individual.
"That guy just saw off a whole bottle of Vodka then partyboyed that bird, what a lad!"

"Andy got kicked out of City for binning his pint, then turtling naked on the dancefloor...LAD"
by Dr. Agon/mcniv July 12, 2009
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