5 definitions by Dr Filthperv

A bizarre sexual practice found only in retirement homes. As nursing staff are generally unwilling to assist, participants must make imaginative use of the equipment in the disabled toilet.

TV researchers have dedicated a disproportionate amount of time to this activity, mysteriously without ever airing any of the results.
"Are you ready for a bit of Battenburg, Thora?"

"You're a filthy fucker Alan!"

"Yes I am, but that wasn't a 'no', was it..."
by Dr Filthperv October 4, 2012
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A colourful practice that has increasingly common during Zoom calls in the pandemic. Some people find it helps to relieve their lockdown stress, and take solace in the freedoms that would get them fired under normal circumstances.

Just make sure that your camera's not on.
Moderator: Your camera is shaking - what are you up to?

Jeffrey Toobin: Just "kicking my shoes off"...

Moderator: "Kicking your shoes off?"...
by Dr Filthperv May 11, 2021
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1. (noun) - an unpleasant venereal condition from the West Midlands. Spread by uncontrolled industrialisation in a bygone and depressing era, a nasty case of Birmingham today lurks like a canker on the fair visage of England. Symptoms include an adenoidal twang to the voice, and a belief that Peaky Blinders is an aspirational and contemporary lifestyle programme.

2. (verb) - to proffer unwanted and inexplicable sexual advances to all and sundry, including livestock. Don't ask.
1. Patient: "Doctor, doctor, I have come down with a nasty case of the Birmingham all over my crotch!"

Doctor: "That's disgusting - what on earth were you DOING?"

2. Don't walk your dog on Clapham Common at night - it might get Birminghamed good and proper.
by Dr Filthperv March 11, 2014
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A deft old codger who knew which way the wind was blowing in the 1970s, and used the opportunity to soil the downwind air with all manner of what have you.

You might see him "rubbing shoulders" with royalty, crafting unspeakable objets, or leering entertainingly at anything in a jump suit.

Best lock the windows.
How come name redacted hasn't been on the telly much recently?

Him? He's right Renaissance Man that one.
by Dr Filthperv September 9, 2023
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A dude that garners longing sighs from the ladies through his Scrabble prowess. They must deal with player haters on a daily basis, as many strive to take the Scrabble crown, but few are equipped with the breadth of vocabulary to flex.
"Whoa, that dude just totally got a 7-letter word on a triple word score - What a player"
by Dr Filthperv June 29, 2020
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