1 definition by Dr Shag

A surprise attack using a flacid penis to startle an unsuspecting victim. This is usually done by slapping a distracted person across the face or head with your penis while yelling the phrase "El Kabong" to proclaim your successful prank over the El Kabonged individual, and alert any witnesses to the humorous use of your private parts.

This can be done by a women using her breasts but is much harder to pull off if the victim is awake.

Good Luck and Happy El Kabonging!
"Jeremy came home from work early to find his girlfriend napping on the couch with the TV on. He pulled out his penis sneaking up behind her and slapped her across the face with his penis waking her up, while yelling El Kabong! This turned her on, and naturally progressed into her giving him a blow job."
by Dr Shag January 5, 2010
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