1 definition by Doucheballer

The origins of doucheBaller as a word came about in a bar conversation in Redondo Beach, Ca in 2019 about TRUMP.

"He's got his own plane, Trumps a baller. Yeah, but he's kind of a douche." It went back and forth until the drunk word emerged. Beers aside, we all know a few doucheballers. Its not a jealouse thing, its just a thing.

A total douche, that is also kind-of-a-baller... or thinks he or she is a baller, but is actually a total douche! It helps to dress the part!

Lets face it, "all lives well lived have doucheballer moments." Its not all negative. Be the best doucheball you can be! Doucheballer can be asprational as well!

Some that are more baller than douche.
Yeah, he's got some money, but he's a total doucheballer.
by Doucheballer September 22, 2020
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