3 definitions by DoomedXD

1. A chicken with lager body, especially used for Thanksgiving
2. A country in the middle of Asia and Europe
E.g No. 1:
Let's eat this Turkey

No 2:
The most popular city in Turkey is Istanbul
by DoomedXD January 20, 2019
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A woman with voice of man who rages at GameStop cashier because she insulted due of her voice like a man
by DoomedXD January 20, 2019
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In politics, Big tent or catch-all party is used in reference to a political party's policy of permitting or encouraging a broad spectrum of views among its members. This is in contrast to other parties that defend a determined ideology and seek voters who adhere to that ideology and convince people towards it.
Examples of political parties with big tent party system from Wikipedia:
- My Step Alliance, Armenia
- Brazilian Democratic Party, Brazil
- National Coalition Party, Finland
- Fine Gael, Ireland
- Institutional Revolutionary Party, Mexico
by DoomedXD March 7, 2020
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