1 definition by Doctoral English List Student

Also abbreviated TC...

This term refers to someone who exudes the strength and power women naturally have over men. People see her as all-knowing, confident, blunt, and ultimately right (even if others don't want to admit it).

Greek mythology spoke of TCs and how they ruled not alongside, but above the Norse Gods. Thunder represented their natural ability to arrest even molecules in the air with their great power.

Issac Asmiov, Einstein, and Mozart.. what did they have in common? They all were in relationships with a TC of their era. Some in secrecy for they were worried that they would live under their partners shadow if it was revealed.

A couple great science fiction writers have alluded to TCs in post-apocalyptic tales where a great and noble TC is sent outside of the cosmos to bring the human race back to its zenith.
Her intense understanding of the basic truths of life got her to power. Her power rose and with it came the point where people realized what she really was... a thundercunt.


Girl, you see that chick? Why she so quick, why she so brave, why she so real, why see so TC?
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