2 definitions by Do_I really_ need_a_name

Now, I'm a 6th grader(one of the mature ones, not the crazy ones)but let me fill you in on the inside. On one side, you've got kids who make sex jokes and act like a midget Mr Macho, and on the other, you got clown looking girls who act like they actually pay bills. Most of these kids are spoiled and have tons of social media apps, but at least I don't talk about fricking someone's mom. Like grow up, man.
Person 1: aren't you supposed to be making sex jokes like your friends
Me: no, that is all the other 6th graders who act stupid, I'm more mature
Person 1: oh, I just thought that because that's how most 6th graders act
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A thing used to keep us inside so we don't get corona time
bro the pandemic sucks
*FBI busts in*
by Do_I really_ need_a_name April 30, 2021
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