2 definitions by Dnom

This is the high people who don't like smoking get. Skaid is a feeling of anxiety, inability to hold conversation and general forgetfulness while still lacking the euphoric feeling many others may get. It is the reason those that don't like burning, don't burn.
I'm getting mixed vibes on if Wade burns or not.

Wade doesn't burn cuz he gets skaid when he does.
by Dnom May 10, 2020
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The Theoretical Plate Standard (TPS) is the certified bro measurement of bigness. Also known as the 1234, such an achievement requires a 1 plate press, 2 plate bench, 3 plate squat, and 4 plate deadlift. Brothers who can certifiably complete this challenge, are defined by bros around him as "the big guy." lifting weights science
It's been two years since I've been counting my macros and I still haven't reached the theoretical plate standard; I might need to go on gear.
by Dnom March 28, 2019
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