1 definition by Disneyismyhoe

1. Buy two ketchup bottles
2. Buy toilet paper+black sharpie+smiley face stickers+tape
3. Wrap one of the ketchup bottles lower half in toilet paper then take
4. Apply the sticker on the upper half
5. Tape a peice of tape to the top, this will be the bride. . .
6. Cover the bottom half of the second bottle in sharpie

7. Apply the smiley face to the top half, this will be the groom
8. Grab everything put of the fridge

9. Put them all into rows on the table, with a pathway through the middle of the rows------ -------like that
10. Play some music akjdhdhdkqk
11. Run the ceremony
12. Take the cap off the bride and pour it into the groom
13. They are married
14. Mom just pulled into the driveway
15. Hide in your closet and await your death
"Sure mom I can marry the ketchups. . ."
by Disneyismyhoe January 28, 2020
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