3 definitions by Dino Kysgwoahwowbehdjwja

personal tag used by upcoming artist Ayden Stallings
“but if you here me say lagavativi yeah the song here” - Ayden Stallings
by Dino Kysgwoahwowbehdjwja February 11, 2023
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Erection gained from looking at the bread emoji
Oh man, I’ve got such a broner.
by Dino Kysgwoahwowbehdjwja October 4, 2020
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A Feminine Biden fanboy who spends his time giving our spoons on the street as dildos in Wyoming.
I want to give Transgender Headphone Man fucking back shots like Olaf from the snowman movie so he can pay for my rent.
by Dino Kysgwoahwowbehdjwja November 21, 2021
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