1 definition by Dika

A lot of people are saying that we're all stupid and believe anything the band says ("Wake up! Grab a brush and put on a little make up! Hide the scars to fade away the shake up! Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? Here you go create another fable!") BUT! A true SOADfan:

-Uses proper spelling/grammar.
-Is open-minded to other people and their music.
-MIGHT call a person an "ignorant, mainstream music shithead" only if the person says something along the lines of, "System of a Down? I hate them. They're nothing but pointless screaming." ← That is ammo for arsenal.
-Fairly up-to-date on current politics/world affairs/news.
-Can have a debate, not an argument.
-Possibly registered on the site SOADfans.com.
-Does not shove ideas and beliefs down others throats.

All others who claim to be fans but don't abide by these qualifiers are probably just posing assholes who want to seem smart. Don't get the two confused.
Person: So what else do you listen to?
SOADfan: System of a Down.
Person: Ew, I hate them!
SOADfan: Why?
Person: They just scream about shit!
System of a Down fan: Right. Because singing about genocide and getting no recognition of said genocide is shit. Gotcha.
Person: Oh...that's what they were screaming about?
SOADfan: I'll leave you to do some homework ;)
by Dika July 16, 2008
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