20 definitions by Didaskalos

Under every trans-presentation/pronoun-demand, there's a man drowning in compulsive murder-suicide ideation, and trying to drag you into it as well.

Under the #CMSI, that is, under the screaming about "Trans Genocide!" and "Trans Suicide!", is a lonely and confused boy experimenting too freely with anal masturbation, auto-dildoing, hypno-sissy porn, etc.
The process of making explicit the links from Pronouns, to #CMSI, to Anal Masturbation, is called "Miner's Declension."
"Please use my preferred pronouns, blah/blah and blah."
"No. You need to stop your auto-dildoing/anal penetration/fail-boy/power-girl / sissy-hypno-porn fantasizing.

And if you can't do that, you need to keep it to yourself.
When people ask me for money, it's OK to say no.
When people bring their sexuality too close to me, it's OK to say no.

Your pronoun-demands are part of your unresolved sexual-identity formation issues, and you need to work on them privately with your therapist and group.
"It's never "just mah pronouns." Under the pronouns is #CMSI, and under that is a lot of deeply perverted sexuality and unresolved gender-formation issues that I don't want any part of. Miner's Declension is short and simple way of UNPACKING what's driving the pronoun-demands."
by Didaskalos April 27, 2023
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"Trannyhausen-by-Proxy," a play on Munchausen-by-Proxy, is the term for a parent (or parents) who has gender-confusion issues of their own or an emotional agenda of their own, and works those issues/agenda out on the body of a child by involving the child in trans activities to the child's detriment; disclaiming their own emotional involvement, but maintaining falsely that "The interest in being trans is coming from the child." The commonest pattern is a mother obtaining narcissistic gratification by parading her son around in a dress, while the father stands by helplessly as his son is rail-roaded into a permanent trans identity. The term arose in late 2020 as a response to the narratives presented in HBO's Transhood and the Save James case in Texas.
From the SaveJames FB page, 12/14/2020
If I had a nickel for every time someone said “they” don’t castrate or mutilate minors, I’d have enough money to save all the children in the world. “They” do indeed harm children — ask Anne’s own expert witnesses!
It’s an unfortunate trend, mostly foisted upon young children by mothers. It’s so common as a matter of fact, there’s a term for parents who reject their child in favor of bringing attention to themself: Transhausen, or Trannyhausen, Syndrome by Proxy. (A play on Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy). Trannyhausen-by-Proxy, for short.
by Didaskalos December 15, 2020
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(Portmanteau of Wig + Negress; only a Negress by virtue of an assumed wig.)
Written with the short "i" of "wig," but pronounced with the long "e" of "Negress."
A non-Black (ok, typically white) woman who adopts a Black persona, fashion, language, cultural identity, etc, the word covering a range of meanings from the literal adoption of artificial Black hair-styles, all the way through the large-scale Performance Art of Rachel Dolezal and Jessica Krug, who built careers on assumed Black identities.
Rachel Dolezal's wigress life-style is apparently not unique; see Jim Goad's comments about Jessica Krug.

"Suddenly, last week—rumors suggest she was being pressured to either out herself or face the rigors of a thorough public woke-mob outing—she took off the Coon Mask and confessed that she was just a self-hating Jewish girl from Kansas City. In an aggressively self-flagellating blog post titled “The Truth, and the Anti-Black Violence of My Lies,” Krug confessed that since she somehow inflicted “violence” on people by being a female wigger—wegress?—and also since “I don’t believe that any anti-Black life has inherent value,” she no longer exists in any meaningful way:"
(Jim Goad, TakiMag, Suicide on the Trans-Black Express, 9/7/2020)
by Didaskalos September 10, 2020
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OPUS GENERIS is a suite of five classical poems which give a dialectical, forward-moving, depersonalized picture of the gender-identity formation process in terms of traditional classical myth. The aim was to do justice to both the telos of heterosexual marriage and child-rearing, as affirmed by the Judaeo-Christian moral tradition, AND the zigs and zags of the identity formation process, as covered in classical poetry, and all in the context of a night's poetic entertainment in two languages and various meters.
Catullus, Cybele and Attis (Latin, galliambics, failure to escape from the mother)
Pindar, Olympian #1 (Greek, epinician, powerful male figure pulls boy away)
Odyssey Book II (Greek, hexameters, boy tries to play the man independently and fails)
Ovid, Daphne & Apollo (Latin, hexameters, boy turns from playing with boys to pursuing a girl)
The aim is not to court controversy as being pro or anti trans, or pro or anti pedophilia. The aim is to provide material that is well balanced enough to provoke interesting and necessary discussion.
Before OPUS GENERIS, study of sexuality was balkanized into Christians obsessed with marriage and child-rearing as the one true sexual orientation, and fetish-based people obsessed with every other kind of sexual outlet, all of which is regarded by Christians as sexual DISorientation. Having studied OPUS GENERIS, people began to see the gender-identity formation process as a dialectic in which one sexual focus gave way to the next.
Matthew Barney's five-part opus THE CREMASTER CYCLE was a major inspiration for OPUS GENERIS, as was Genesis's The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway. The way Christian "conversion therapy" programs failed to cover the necessary territory was a very powerful motivator.
by Didaskalos January 28, 2022
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The Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson SCOTUS confirmation hearings mark the moment at which "Miner's Law" about child porn, becomes a part of the public conversation.

See the clip from Michael Knowles' podcast, What is a woman? Episode 970, at 18:40.

When browsing on the internet, it's trivial to download thousands and thousands of illegal images with the click of a finger. KHJ acknowledges this, showing that she understands Miner's Law :

"All internet content aspires to the condition of pornography; all pornography aspires to the condition of child pornography; therefore all internet content aspires to the condition of child pornography."

It's part of the essential dynamic of the internet to infantilize and make pedophiles of us all; KBJ understands this; the conservatives do not.
Everybody with a few images on their computer gave a sigh of relief at hearing Ketanji Brown Jackson articulate how EASY IT IS to accidentally collect inappropriate images -- totally by accident! -- while browsing the net. FINALLY, someone who understands "Miner's Law." There's not really any daylight between innocently sitting down at a computer . . . and sitting down at a computer to intentionally download Kiddy-Porn. The computer forces me to do it, basicly. Only a high-horse, pedophile-hating, moralistic goofus like Jim Jordan would hold that against me. Further mealy-mouthed self-serving, abjuring-of-agency language.
by Didaskalos March 25, 2022
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Autogeinophilia: The little-known fetish of dressing up as Ed Gein AS HE dresses up in his home-made woman-skin suit and cavorting about his creepy Wisconsin farmhouse, with the idea of being close to his dead mother by literally investing himself in a suit made of female skin. A deliberate pun on autogynophilia, a trending term as Biden takes office in 2021.
Benjamin Boyce retweeted Donovan Cleckley's clip of Jazz Jennings's mom saying:
“I have woken Jazz out of a dead sleep and taken the dilator and put the lubrication on it and said: ‘Here! You take this, and you put it in your vagina. If not, I will.’ I will be so mad if ... that thing seals up.”
- Jeanette Jennings
I naturally responded quoting Buffalo Bill's creepy remark to the unfortunate girl is he was fattening up in a pit to make a female-skin-suit out of:
"It puts the lubrication on its dilator, or else it's back to the clinic for NO GENITALS AT ALL!"
In my day, we thought we were being racy when we "lost" our third retainer, and, being told our teeth would snap back into the wrong place, said, "So what if they do?"

Reading up on Ed Gein, the model for Buffalo Bill, Psycho, Leatherface, etc, led me to a disturbing image of a "reproduction" belt made of female nipples, part of what I could only call his "autogeinophilia" paraphernalia collection, and thus the portmanteau pun term "Autogeinophilia" was born. Happy 2021, everyone!
by Didaskalos January 17, 2021
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Schrodinger's Underwear is a trans-game, a perpetual tease, amounting to holding up a cardboard box, waving it around, and saying in a loud voice,

"Guess what kind of genitals are in this box that I'm waving around!"
"As long as you're looking at this box, I have the power to keep you fascinated by flaunting my genital and gender ambiguity;

once my actual genitalia and gender are known, I lose all my power;

so please keep looking at this box and guessing, and keep giving me power to confuse you!"

The idea is to confuse the straight man enough to WIN.

Hard game endings include:
In Boys Don't Cry, the FTM heroine is forced to admit, in a post-rape exam, that she does in fact have a vagina.
This is clearly a major emotional loss for her, as she sobs.
In the Trap game, the MTF transvestite leads a straight man on, typically with alcohol and flirting, to think that heterosexual sex is upcoming.

When the (unambiguously male) male genitalia are revealed, it's a trans-win,
as the straight male must go through with the sex, resulting in an identity degradation to "sexually confused homosexual sex-maniac," or be massively frustrated and upset, resulting in murder. This, from the view of the Compulsive Murder-Suicide Ideation (#CMSI) is a win, as now the straight man has been drawn into the miasmic ambiance, and fulfilled the trans desire for the male self to be killed, so that the female self might live.
When a professional operative (a man who has made a career of invading women's gyms, claiming discrimination, and winning law-suits) walks into woman's changing room in a conservative area, and there are different stories about whether male equipment was flashed -- the man claiming to have had surgery removing his male genitalia, woman in the changing room denying this, and the conflicting journalistic reports are never resolved, we have a clear case of the #Schrodinger's Underwear dynamic.

The characteristic emotional dynamic is the disingenuous cry, blending exhibitionism and modesty: "Why is everyone so fascinated by my mystery-genitals which are completely covered in this box/underwear/outfit that I'm waving around?"
by Didaskalos April 27, 2023
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