2 definitions by Dick Sucker 1337

NWRP is (or was in some eyes) a popular gaming community which hosted several game servers in Mount & Blade: Warband. Custom scripts enabled the Jailbreak mode and other game modes to take place during the Napoleonic Wars DLC settings.
The twenty-something year old member of the community proclaimed "NWRP is dead! Long live the new Head of Head Admins" before continuing on with shelf-stacking at his minimum wage job.
by Dick Sucker 1337 September 27, 2020
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You are ewoke when you are woke on the internet. Alternative spellings are e-woke and i-woke. It can be both be used as a pronoun and as a verb. Not to be confused with ewoks.
George Lucas ewoke when he realized that ewoks aren't real but fictional bear-like creatures from Endor in Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi after reading a discussion on the subject on the internet.
by Dick Sucker 1337 June 8, 2018
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