21 definitions by Devveyovich

Someone who, while on AIM, constantly copies parts of their IMs with certain people and pastes them to others. Like in real life, the big mouth will rat people out when they talk about someone else, only this time it's online rather than through spoken words.
My brother is the biggest AIM big mouth in the world. Every time I talk about someone, he has to copy and paste that excerpt of our conversation and send it to them. One day, he will pay for this.
by Devveyovich September 11, 2008
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A girl's vagina. This name applies because many people think that a vagina, like the Magic Kingdom, is the happiest place on earth.
After going out with my girlfriend for a month, she finally let me insert my rod into her Magic Kingdom.
by Devveyovich June 12, 2007
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A soda from a fast food restaurant that was not paid for. You acquire it by finding a random cup, then filling up the cup at the fountain when the employees aren't looking.
Guy 1: How did you get that soda? I ordered everything for us and I know you didn't ask for one.
Guy 2: Just found a cup lying around and filled it up.
Guy 1: So, you stole it.
Guy 2: Yup. Hood soda, son!
by Devveyovich July 12, 2017
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An alternate term for premature ejaculation. Based off of the penalty in football where an offensive player moves after being set but before the snap.
I wanted to have sex with that girl but I committed a false start during foreplay, so it ended up not happening.
by Devveyovich December 24, 2017
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Alternate term for breasts. Usually used if a woman has larger than normal breasts.
Matt's kryptonite is girls with massive chest beefers. He simply can't resist them.
by Devveyovich November 26, 2015
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Rag that you use to catch your skeet at the end of masturbating. Can be an old towel, t-shirt, or something disposable like paper towels. Skeet rags need to be thrown out after a certain amount of uses, otherwise they get too hard and become really gross.
My brother's skeet rag has been used so many times, it's as stiff as a piece of wood. He needs to throw that damn thing out.
by Devveyovich August 9, 2009
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Jizz on someone's chin. Sometimes, after someone gets skeeted on, they forget to wipe it all of, and a smidge remains on their chin. Chin + jizz = chizz
Hey, did you just get skeeted on? Because you got a little chizz left on your face.
by Devveyovich September 22, 2010
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