3 definitions by Devilish90

A self entitled bitch who doesn’t necessarily have the dreadful short “bob” haircut, but is very critical of herself by being obsessed w/fitness (Yoga, Pilates, running, pole/aerial fitness & any other blazing hot trendy exercise), hence the Lulu stretchy pants, but not all LK’s workout. They desire the look of as if they spent $70-$100 on the label, looking hot appreciating themselves & making all her peers/strangers jealous. Hence, phony Lululemon Karen.

The authentic Lululemon Karen has the means, influence, educated, condescending & ready to fly off the handle & go ape shit on anyone she views is in her way & goes off on people she encounters for unbelievably petty crap for no good reason. She drives like an asshole speeding & cutting off others, honking, shouting profanities, using middle finger or waving arms. She only drives SUVs & luxury vehicles.

You’ll usually see them in Beverly Hills, West LA, Santa Monica, Southbay especially Manhattan Beach, El Segundo (Lmao- young women & mostly old crows w/ overly done plastic surgery forget they live in old toxicity..The gas plant & Hazardous Waste plant make up city); pretty much all of South Bay Area, Most of the elite Orange County cities & the better areas of Rancho Cucamonga/Fontana. Murrieta, Canyon Lake & parts of Corona & only desirable areas of Riverside (yes parts have moved on up)

The worst ones are the bimbo bots that run over people at the Strand/boardwalk of Manhattan Beach, Hermosa & Redondo Beach walkpaths.
“Watch out for Lululemon Karen, she’s in her Lexus SUV, wreaking havoc on anything in her path
“Lookout for Lululemon Karen, she mows down” everyone walking/jogging on the Manhattan beach strand”
I hate shopping at the Beverly Connection shopping ctr, why aren’t the Lululemon Karen’s at their mothership- the Grove, Santa Monica place or Promenade?
by Devilish90 April 15, 2021
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Town full of AssHats w/big trucks & flags on it, tinted windows & SMALL PEE PEES. 90% Trump followers, predominantly White (10 % people who aren’t racist, open minded, White & Minorities believe in treating all people w/respect & true Christians or God fearing w/out an ounce of evil in their hearts. Close minded, Americana folk - not nice, the fed ups & the White Supremacy outweigh the good. Meetups include: old local bars, coffee hut, the three k’s, & sadly Stater’s. Ton of churches, pray tell, which one actually consists of “NON-hypocrites? Fun fact, owner of a “farm” filed a lawsuit against school districts who canceled field trips after said “farmer” social media posts that were “offensive” -“misogynistic.” Why would any decent human want their child on a field trip to an establishment ran by ass backwards, racist, sexist, egotistical, ignorant, narcissistic (sound familiar?) also known-social media posts about a great adventure had -participation unknown but photos were posted on “it’s” social media in Jan 2021. Yucaipa is Trump country (still a few flags up in dry ass weeds/trailer parks) do as u like, not as I do attitude & love of guns & country one common denominator, if you’re all alike & not “other” won’t face consequences from local government & police though it be known conflict of interest exists (like it’s controversial council) And there are so many illiterate people here (& grammar police), the local social media postings are both comical & an embarrassment.
You better settle in Yucaipa, Ca new builds on empty lots going like hot cakes” “Them cheap empty lots in Yucaipa, Ca” “Antifa got their asses whooped in Yucaipa! Wait, what you talking about? That wasn’t Antifa!
by Devilish90 April 15, 2021
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A once known quaint little sleepy town & slightly well known unwritten fact is that it was racist. Now fast forward & it’s hella racist, the town back in the old days was predominately White (Wiki fun fact): Prior to the Spanish conquest of the Americas and the arrival of European settlers from Mexico, the land of the Yucaipa Valley was occupied by the Serrano Indians for possibly 1,000 years. Eventually, they sold the Rancho to Mormon settlers in September 1851.

So fast forward again & you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Specially after 2016. Town is majority Republicans & every month on a Sunday you’ll see the local asshats in their big trucks, with big tractor tires, big motors riding with their big flags on back of their trucks like it’s medieval times & the enemies the POC. Hint hint their big material compensates for their tiny pee pees.

Proof: you must type Yucaipa in the search on Twitter or better yet add racist/or protest after Yucaipa and get an eyesight of entertainment. Stuff made of bad B movies from the 70s, though the mullets turned into bad buzz cuts, bleached hair dye & wannabe lumberjack beards resembles pubic hair, draped in Patriot flag t shirts & skulls. Now the city slicker Republicans heard the reputation, they’re all moving out here terrorizing the non White residents telling them don’t belong here in their town.
“Yucaipa strong” “them patriots in Yucaipa”
by Devilish90 April 13, 2021
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