2 definitions by Deuteragonist

A chillion. Y'know, it's like a million, but more laid back. Probably a number like... 943023 or something laid back like that.
Guy number 1 - I wanna do like... a chillion things.
Guy number 2 - How many's that?
Guy number 1 - I dunno man, does it matter?
Guy number 2 - Nah.
by Deuteragonist November 25, 2011
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The sixth Platonic Solid. After tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron, the Ohio Teapot is the sixth Platonic Solid. Used in computer graphics as a test. Plural: Ohio Teapots. Present tense: Ohio teapotting. Past tense: Ohio teapotted. Future tense: Ohio teapottable.
"This Ohio Teapot isn't Ohio Teapottable yet, but it will be soon"
by Deuteragonist April 4, 2023
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