1 definition by Define Your World

Scallies, as they are collectively known, originate from inner city dwellings and areas of middle-class suburban mypoia, where life has too many creature comforts to be of any interest to them. Instead, they fill their lives with items of clothing that either resemble sportswear and boots (??) or the clothes that your Grandad might wear (Burberry). Often seen with their trousers tucked into their socks, they do not seem to realise that this tradition origiates from the 1940's, when bicycle riding consituted such practice so as to avoid the destruction of ones vestements. The scally often works in a pack, and maintains a vigorous interest in both (C)rap, garage, and other areas of the house associated with music. When hunting for females, the scally will emit a mating call usually containing phrases such as "e ar yo" and other colloquial terminology. An interest in the Vauxhall Nova and its associated bodykits is a must for any hardcore scally, along with underage srinking of cider on street corners.

For any further information on this wonderful underclass, please visit Glossop, Denton, Gorton or www.scallycentral.com if you don't live nearby.
What ho my good friend, is that a scally I see defectaing over there next to that supremely modified Vauxhall Nova? (The fastest production car ever made you know!)
by Define Your World February 22, 2004
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