1 definition by Dee Saff Bee Barnes

The whitest place in the known universe. Also the gayest place in the known universe. It quite possibly has the largest homosexual population in Northern New York. We can thank the Crane School of music and all of it's well known fudgepackers for this. Every store closes at 5 p.m. The only thing to do in this town is get drunk, smoke a reefer, or masturbate on a flag pole. Do not come here!! EVERRRRRRR If you think massena is an asshole in the ground, potsdam is the dirty sweaty arm pit in a 65 year old fat man. Thank you. Have a good night.
We stopped in Potsdam on the way to Massena for a snack at 2 in the afternoon, and everything was closed. WTF mate?!!?
by Dee Saff Bee Barnes January 28, 2006
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