1 definition by Daywalker 123

A daywalker is anyone with red hair that does not have freckles anywhere on their face. They are basically harmless because they are not full ginger. They are given the ability to walk during the day in sunlight, medical studies say that daywalkers are proven to have traces of a soul.
Guy 1: When i was at the park, i saw a daywalker.
Guy 2: Really, thats amazing!
Guy 1: At first i though it was a ginger and screamed, then i realized it had no freckles.
Guy 2: Wow, scary stuff! Thats why i always carry around Holy water, or ginger repellent!
Guy 2:Smart idea! I gotta get me some of that, just to be safe!
by Daywalker 123 November 12, 2010
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