1 definition by Davezor85

Pezzy (noun): An even lower form of socio-class than Peasant; a 'pezzy', is a person who indulges in offers of cheap and accessible goods or services, dull and boring systemic living and/or fails to make general good life decisions. A 'pezzy' is also a fairly broad term for someone who does something rude, uneducated, awkward or well-thought out in social situations. Not to be confused with the term 'normy', 'pezzy's' listen to terrible FM commercial radio, usually live on the outskirts of major metropolitan cities and lean towards the lower-socio uneducated economic classes. Pezzy's usually enjoy shopping in the middle aisles at supermarkets, at large suburban shopping centres and fall victim to conforming to mainstream ideals with low awareness or care for cultural enrichment, life-long goals or professional aptitude. A 'pezzy' is someone who freely doesn't mind paying for a lower quality item when clearly a better version is available if one was to think more smartly. This also applies for finding better ways of doing things in life generally speaking. The term 'Pezzy' derives from the sister label of Pez-Dog.
Hahaha, did you hear that pezzy in the lift barking about the top 10 countdown during the New Years Eve fireworks? She was going on about how well the music matched the fireworks display, what a pezzy!
by Davezor85 February 14, 2019
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