3 definitions by DaveSparks

Òché typically means king.
It represents royalty, nobility, intelligence and is a role model of how men should behave. Oche is no ordinary name as it is given to kings or someone who has the same quality of what an exemplary king should be anywhere.
The man who cares and provides deserves to be called Oche.

He speaks, dresses and behaves well, he is above the tag of a gentleman, he is an Oche.

You are my Oche.
by DaveSparks December 1, 2020
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Oche is a king well loved and respected. Literally means king and is from the idoma language in Nigeria. Oche has a big heart, loves genuinely, smart, intellectual and probably the best person in any place.
Oche is beloved and respected by all
by DaveSparks November 13, 2020
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Òché is a name given to a person who is most likely to be very great in life. What's makes this name very special is the ability to be special without making other feel bad about their name. Òché is a king. Òché is God sent to deliver people out of poverty. When òché loves a woman she bound to have the best life has to offer. Òché is kind and gentle, an example of what a perfect gentleman should be, òché is not a player though so many girls will always come around and even throw themselves at him he will be faithful to his Ochanya(queen) when he finds her.
He is my Oche
by DaveSparks November 13, 2020
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