17 definitions by Dave-Landon

When a guy's dick is so big, he wraps it around her neck, and while choking her, cums in her eye.
The wife had a hard time getting to sleep tonight, so I whipped my dick out and gave her the old Midgard Serpent. Bet she didn't see that cumming!
by Dave-Landon November 17, 2018
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The raw mental state created from repeated exposure to unfavorable conditions, as often happens when you dislike your job.
Also, the unfavorable condition itself that causes such a state.
I'm so glad I quit my job today, it's been leaving me with a severe mental rash.
I hate my job so much. It's nothing but a mental rash
by Dave-Landon October 24, 2016
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when one forsakes going to the pub for fear of the resulting credit card bill, and instead buys all their booze from the liquor store
I can't believe I'm back at the pub; I'm on a liquor store diet
by Dave-Landon April 12, 2011
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Major source of an emotion or abstract concept.
Lady Gaga is the spawnsire of suck.
by Dave-Landon March 21, 2011
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When a guy jerks himself off until he cums, but while it's still soft enough to bend it around and cum in his own ass.
Earthworm Jim, he's such a groovy guy
Earthworm Jim, he rockets through this guy
by Dave-Landon November 17, 2018
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When a guy cums in a girl's hair then uses his cum as hair gel to spike her hair up in the shape of a crown.
What is that, hair gel?
Naah, he gave me a Royale With Cheese.
by Dave-Landon October 21, 2018
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1. When your phone is in a place where it doesn't have service.

2. When your phone has been cut off due to lack-of-phone-bill-pay
Guy 1: Dude, want to go camping?
Guy 2: Sure, but I'm not bringing my cell phone
Guy 1: Why not, bro?
Guy 2: The lake is a dead zone... My phone is an electronic paperweight up there

Guy 1: Brosef, I tried calling you yesterday but it went straight to voicemail... Turn your phone on!
Guy 2: It is on, but I forgot to pay my phone bill. My phone's an electronic paperweight right now
by Dave-Landon May 28, 2011
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