1 definition by Dave Barnes2

To be sure, guinea is a pejorative, racist term for a person of Italian descent. I'm just surprised no one has hit upon my understanding of the word's origin, and therefore, correct shade of meaning. I don't know for certain, but I'd be willing to bet on the guinea fowl, which is:
- a traditional favorite of Italian chefs
- therefore, like its chicken cousins, often raised at the chef's home in a backyard pen, even as late as the mid 20th century
- a visually striking animal, described by my wife the first time she ever saw them as "Alice in Wonderland birds."
- prone to a God-awful racket when so much as gazed at crossly
- capable of frightening young children and the elderly
Little Timmy from down the street has been missing for over two weeks now. Local police suspect he was taken by a roving rogue band of aggressive guinea fowl with a taste for human flesh. The police found his little book sack riddled with bloody peck marks.
by Dave Barnes2 March 1, 2008
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