1 definition by DatPostmil

A social interaction invented by some schmuck named Taylor back in 2016 in which one party will post the words “Beer me” in a group chat, forum, or other online place of gathering, and the people of that group who are fond of the the first person will customarily respond with the single beer (🍺) emoji, symbolizing buying or giving that person a beer. In turn, if the original person is fond of the second person they may respond with the double beer (🍻) emoji, symbolizing and acceptance of their gift, and a klinking of the glasses in friendship or solidarity.
First person: Beer me
Second person: 🍺
First person: 🍻 (we are friends)

First person: Beer me
Second person: 🍻
First person: I can’t believe you’ve done this, Pete. May your kidneys turn to jelly and your eyes to dust. Never speak my name again.
by DatPostmil December 19, 2017
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